Two nights ago, while pulling my dog with the wagon, I stopped walking, looked down at my phone, and posted this:
I posted similar "On hiatus" messages on my other accounts, and subsequently deleted Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram from my phone.
What I think I'm trying to say is this: Social media has not been making me happy in any way. I make some connections here and there, but the public aspect of social media has grown tiresome. I'm obsessed with looking at my phone and checking for notifications, but I just feel further and further from real relationships and I simply can't do it anymore.
So I'm going for an indefinite public hiatus. I haven't deleted any accounts; my Messaging apps and accounts will exist in order to keep connections here and there. But, for the time being, I'm not going to "maintain a social media presence" per se. What will I maintain over this period?
I started to feel that social media was taking far more from me than I was getting from it and my real-life relationships and my ego were suffering.
So it's time for a break.
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