I've recently really enjoyed Pat Finnerty's "Why does this song stink" videos on YouTube. I love not only that he agrees with many of my biases about why certain songs "stink," but I also really appreciate the creativity by which he builds his videos. They are deliberately lo-fi with various basic animations and simple jump cuts.
He's done excellent videos about "Hey Soul Sister," "Don't Tell me How to Live," and "All Summer Long," but his best tour de force so far is the "Kravitz Bowl," a hilarious hypothetical "football game between two bad songs."
Finnerty's videos are wonderful if you have specific techno-culture-based taste in music. I think it's safe to say that most people who play guitar, really love pop music, dislike Train's music, found "Kryptonite" insufferable, or were bewildered by Warren Zevon's presence on "All Summer Long" will enjoy his videos. Finnerty's clear love of music and willingness to create in-depth videos about why some music doesn't quite work, well, I appreciate that effort. I remember first hearing Train songs, or "Kryptonite," or both Lenny Kravitz's "American Woman" and "Fly Away;" I thought, Something's wrong here. Something's off. And Pat Finnerty seems to be able to put into words just what's so off about that sort of corporate-driven bland music.
In addition, Finnerty appears to have a real knack for getting people involved in his videos. These videos are masterclasses in being friendly and inclusive with the people in your community, in making them feel connected to your projects. He appears to have a knack for getting people on board, even the likes of Dave Grohl. His empathic extroversion is seriously admirable. Cheers, Pat.
I feel as if I'm suffering from a creative block right now, both in music and photography. I've gone through this sort of thing for a very long time, but it feels rather acute right now. I can't seem to conceptualize anything: no visions for interesting photographs, no melodies or lyrics to work with. I don't want to dwell on the problems of creative block, though. I'd rather try to pin down some solutions.
In no particular order:
I miss creating. I miss feeling like I wrote a worthwhile song, or took an interesting photo. Here's to hoping that, as the days get longer, my creativity can flourish again. |
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April 2024