A few days ago, this image appeared on my RSS Feed. It took less than a moment to recognize its location. That line of mountain crests put me exactly where the photo was taken: Harrison Mills, British Columbia. I immediately thought to myself, "Sigh, I have to drive for another 45 or 50 minutes or so before I get home." My father hadn't even moved to this general area when this photo was taken, but, of course the mountains stay the same. It seems pretty obvious, eh? Nonetheless, 10 time zones and 66 years away from this photo, it felt refreshingly familiar to see those mountains.
I've never used a CB radio, but I thought I knew a thing or two about them. Then I learned about QSL cards. People used QSL cards to confirm that they'd talked with specific people over the CB radio. The Pie Shops, my favorite Flickr feed, has a wonderful collection of gorgeously-scanned QSL cards. Here are a few of my favorites from British Columbia.
I don't think I'll ever get into scuba diving. I swim poorly and don't really have time to do it better. Nonetheless, I'd love to see some shipwrecks up close. I've loved learning about shipwrecks ever since I learned about the S.S. Beaver in my copy of the 1958 British Columbia Centennial book. But I've never had the opportunity to visit a shipwreck myself. This article has some excellent photos of shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea.
My multi-talented friend Jordan wrote, recorded, and posted this song last night. I wish I could write a song in one night. I don't think I've been able to write a song in one sitting since "Lost Cause," and I still haven't figured out how to record that thing to an acceptable standard.
I absolutely love that the National Film Board of Canada has started posting these beautiful old films in 1080 HD. This gorgeous experimental film will look gorgeous once I can put it on a good HD projector.
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